
604 lines
35 KiB
Raw Permalink Blame History

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"historymes":"—— 以上是历史消息 ——",
"moremessage":" 点击加载更多记录",
"ipAddress":"IP 地址",
"visitorLinkDesc":'<p>1. 如果要传递绑定自有会员,可以传递以下参数:\n visitor_id=自有会员唯一ID&visitor_name=自有会员名称&avator=头像地址&extra=扩展信息</p>\n <p>2. 如果需要传递产品信息将base64加密的json字符串作为extra参数传递可以参考下面json:</p>\n <p>base64加密({"visitorProduct":{"title":"纯坚果零食大礼包一整箱干果类网红爆款解馋小吃休闲食品送女友","price":"¥9.9","img":"!!0-item_pic.jpg_200x200q90.jpg_.webp","url":""}})</p>',
"paramsDesc":'visitor_id: 自有会员<br/>\nvisitor_name: 自有会员名称<br/>\n avator: 自有会员头像<br/>\n lang: 多语言 cn 中文 en英文tw繁体<br/>',
"dialogParamsDesc":'KEFU_URL: 网站的URL地址例如 https://本站域名<br/>\n KEFU_KEFU_ID: 客服账号用户名<br/>\n KEFU_ENT: 客服的商户ID<br/>\n KEFU_LANG: cn 中文 en英文<br/>\n KEFU_SHOW_TYPES: 展示样式0不展示1普通右下角2圆形icon<br/>\n KEFU_AUTO_OPEN: true 自动展开false 不自动<br/>',
"commentDesc":"您的好评是对我们最大的鼓励哦🌸‎ 如有疑问欢迎再次咨询我们|•'-'•)و✧",
"sendCommentDesc":"此操作将向访客发送评价请求, 是否继续?",
{conf_name: "百度文本审核(API_KEY)仅开启AI回复时有效", conf_key: "BaiduCheckApiKey", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "百度文本审核(SECRET_KEY)仅开启AI回复时有效", conf_key: "BaiduCheckSecretKey", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "百度文本审核时屏蔽流式输出仅开启AI回复时有效", conf_key: "BaiduCheckDisableStream", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "百度翻译AppID", conf_key: "BaiduFanyiAppId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "百度翻译密钥", conf_key: "BaiduFanyiAppSec", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "百度翻译(是否自动翻译)", conf_key: "BaiduFanyiAuto", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "微信网页授权回跳域名(例: https://当前域名http/https必须加)", conf_key: "WechatHost", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "微信授权文件( 公众号需要验证域名权限 )", conf_key: "WechatAuthFile", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "微信菜单JSON <a href='/setting_wechat_menu'>可视化编辑</a>", conf_key: "WechatMenu", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "访客接受营销会员模板ID", conf_key: "WechatCustomerTemplateId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信内部群通知机器人Webhookurl", conf_key: "WorkWechatWebHookUrl", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信(CorpId)", conf_key: "WorkWechatCorpid", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信应用(AgentId)", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppAgentId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信应用(Secret)", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppSecret", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信应用接收消息Token", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppToken", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信应用接收消息EncodingAESKey", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppEncodingAESKey", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "微信小程序AppId (WechatMiniAppId)", conf_key: "WechatMiniAppId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "微信小程序AppSecret (WechatMiniAppSecret)", conf_key: "WechatMiniAppSecret", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "微信小程序Token (WechatMiniToken)", conf_key: "WechatMiniToken", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "落地域名( 访问后跳转的最终域名,确认该域名已解析绑定到客服平台 )", conf_key: "VisitorLandHost", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "邮箱(SMTP地址, 例:", conf_key: "NoticeEmailSmtp", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "邮箱(邮箱名, 例:", conf_key: "NoticeEmailAddress", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "邮箱(授权码, 例: ubbabcdefocbfce)", conf_key: "NoticeEmailPassword", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "关闭用户时提示语", conf_key: "CloseVisitorMessage", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "访客到来强提醒 (on开启;off关闭)", conf_key: "VisitorForceAlert", conf_value: "off"},
{conf_name: "访客新消息强提醒 (on开启;off关闭)", conf_key: "VisitorMessageAlert", conf_value: "off"},
{conf_name: "客服端新消息提示声音", conf_key: "KefuAlertSound", conf_value: "/static/images/alert2.ogg"},
{conf_name: "客服端新访客提示声音", conf_key: "visitorLoginSound", conf_value: "/static/images/alert.mp3"},
{conf_name: "企业公告语", conf_key: "VisitorNotice", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业签名简介", conf_key: "KefuIntroduce", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "常问关键词(以英文逗号,分割)", conf_key: "VisitorQaKeywords", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "自动欢迎 (on只弹一次;off每次都弹;默认每次都弹)", conf_key: "AutoWelcome", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "自动弹窗延迟时间毫秒比如1000是1秒", conf_key: "AutoOpenDialogTime", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "第三方订单列表接口地址", conf_key: "OrdersListApi", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "智能机器人名称", conf_key: "RobotName", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "智能机器人头像", conf_key: "RobotAvator", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "机器人接待方式", conf_key: "RobotStatus", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "机器人无法回答时提示语", conf_key: "RobotNoAnswer", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "转接人工客服关键词(多个关键词英文逗号分割,例如:人工,转人工)", conf_key: "TurnToMan", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "访客自动断线时间单位秒默认20分钟", conf_key: "VisitorTimeout", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "访客Cookie有效期单位秒默认不填是100年", conf_key: "VisitorCookie", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "客服接待访客数上限文案", conf_key: "VisitorMaxNumNotice", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "访客端关注公众号登录功能true开启留空或者false 关闭)", conf_key: "ScanWechatQrcode", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "访客认证功能接口访客id进行自有系统认证填写接口地址", conf_key: "VisitorAuthApi", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "客服全部离线时的提示语(留空不提示)", conf_key: "KefuOfflineNotice", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "企业微信客服机器人回答之前的提示语", conf_key: "QiyeWechatKefuPreRobot", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "JS接口Hook", conf_key: "JsHook", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "IFRAME接入页面标题", conf_key: "IframePageTitle", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "IFRAME接入页面地址", conf_key: "IframePageUrl", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "客服消息回调", conf_key: "KefuMessageCallUrl", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "易支付商户ID", conf_key: "Nan66Shopid", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "易支付API接口地址", conf_key: "Nan66Api", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "易支付商户密钥", conf_key: "Nan66ShopSecret", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "易支付回调地址", conf_key: "Nan66NotifyUrl", conf_value: ""},
"username": "Username",
"password": "Password",
"signin": "Sign In",
"signup": "Sign Up",
"panel": "Panel",
"talk": "Chat",
"visitor": "Visitor",
"agents": "Agents",
"pWelcome": "Welcome",
"online": "Online",
"offline": "Offline",
"home": "Home",
"sent": "Sent",
"start": "Start",
"stop": "Stop",
"save": "Save",
"cancel": "Cancel",
"confirm": "Confirm",
"tips": "Tip",
"tag": "Tag",
"unreadNum": "Unread Count",
"autoReply": "Auto Reply",
"visitNums": "Visit Counts",
"systemSetting": "System Settings",
"noVisitors": "No Visitors",
"connecting": "Connecting...",
"connectok": "At Your Service!",
"chating": "Communicating with You!",
"refresh": "Please Refresh the Page!",
"historymes": "—— These are historical messages ——",
"moremessage": "Click to Load More Records",
"copyright": "We are using an intelligent online customer service system",
"textarea": "Please Enter Content",
"socketclose": "Connection Closed, Please Click to Re-establish the Session",
"closemes": "Chat Connection Closed or Opened Elsewhere",
"forceclosemes": "Service Connection Closed! Please Reopen the Page",
"autoclosemes": "Connection Closed Due to No Response for a Long Time! Please Refresh the Page",
"mesBtn": "All Message Records",
"emotions": "Emotions",
"photo": "Photo",
"file": "File",
"leave": "Leave a Message When Offline",
"email": "Email",
"realname": "Real Name",
"tel": "Phone",
"name": "Name",
"wechat": "WeChat",
"content": "Content",
"recoder": "Recorder",
"newWindow": "New Window",
"chat": "Conversation",
"setting": "Settings",
"menu": "Menu",
"logout": "Log Out",
"chatVisitor": "Online Visitors",
"allVisitor": "All Visitors",
"chatIntro": "Unprocessed Consultations for Now",
"blackList": "Blacklist",
"quickReply": "Quick Reply",
"replaySearch": "Auto Search Selected Text",
"addGroup": "Add Group",
"visitorAction": "Action",
"visitorProfile": "Visitor Profile",
"ipAddress": "IP Address",
"OsVersion": "OS Version",
"Browser": "Browser",
"city": "City",
"firstTime": "First Visit",
"lastTime": "Last Visit",
"title": "Title",
"pSettings": "Personal Settings",
"tSettings": "Team Settings",
"knowledge": "Knowledge Base",
"categories": "Categories",
"list": "List",
"newCate": "New Category",
"newArticle": "New Article",
"newUser": "Create Account",
"loading": "Loading",
"modifyKefuInfo": "Modify Profile",
"modifyPassword": "Change Password",
"welcome": "Auto Welcome",
"statistics": "Statistics",
"agentList": "User Management",
"visitorList": "Visitor List",
"visitorOnline": "Online Visitors",
"visitorAll": "All Visitors",
"deploy": "Deploy",
"config": "Configuration",
"messageDeleted": "Message Withdrawn",
"read": "Read",
"unread": "Unread",
"comment": "Comment",
"success": "Operation Successful",
"failed": "Operation Failed",
"visitorCommentTitle": "Please Rate Our Service",
"hotQuestionTitle": "Frequently Asked Questions",
"uploadSuccess": "Upload Successful",
"uploadFailed": "Upload Failed",
"freqLimit": "Operation Too Frequent",
"authLimit": "Warning, Unauthorized!",
"guess": "I Guess You Want to Ask?",
"wechatNotice": "WeChat Notification Sent Successfully!",
"version": "Version Number",
"versionName": "Business Version",
"expireTime": "Expiration Date",
"visitorLink": "Visitor Link",
"wechatNoticeDesc": "After following the official account and binding, you can receive notifications for new visitor messages. Customer service can scan the QR code of this official account to receive visitor entry reminders pushed by the official public account.",
"visitorLink":"visitor link",
"visitorLinkDesc": '<p>1. To pass binding information for your own members, you can pass the following parameters:</p>\n<p>visitor_id=Unique Member ID&visitor_name=Member Name&avatar=Avatar URL&extra=Extended Information</p>\n<p>2. If product information needs to be passed, transmit a base64 encrypted JSON string as the extra parameter. You can refer to the following JSON:</p>\n<p>Base64 encoded ({"visitorProduct":{"title":"Pure Nut Snack Gift Box, a full box of dried fruits, popular internet celebrity snack, leisure food for satiety, suitable for sending to girlfriends","price":"¥9.9","img":"!!0-item_pic.jpg_200x200q90.jpg_.webp","url":""})}</p>',
"wechatLinkDesc": "Please configure your WeChat public account first. After visitors scan or visit, call the WeChat web page OAuth authorization to obtain nicknames and avatars.",
"wechatLink": "WeChat Link",
"dynLink": "Dynamic QR Code",
"visitorLinkQrcode": "Visitor Link QR Code",
"wechatLinkQrcode": "WeChat Link QR Code",
"activity": "Announcement",
"nodata": "No Data Available",
"copy": "Copy",
"apply": "Apply",
"todayVisitors": "Today's Visitors",
"todayMessages": "Today's Messages",
"currentVisitors": "Current Online Visitors",
"totalVisitors": "Total Visitors",
"totalMessages": "Total Messages",
"currentStaffSession": "Current Staff Sessions",
"visitorPerDay": "Daily New Visitor Count Chart",
"noSelectChat": "No Selected Chat",
"haveRest": "No chats requiring attention at the moment, take a break!",
"translate": "Translate",
"account": "Account",
"bannedVisitor": "Banned Visitor",
"ipBlanklist": "IP Blacklist",
"huanyihuan": "Change",
"status": "Status",
"avator": "Avatar",
"nickname": "Nickname",
"role": "Role",
"createTime": "Creation Time",
"updateTime": "Update Time",
"deleteTime": "Deletion Time",
"expiredTime": "Expiration Time",
"accountLimit": "Number of Sub-accounts",
"doIt": "Action",
"editUser": "Edit User",
"selectAvatar": "Select Avatar",
"selectRole": "Select Role",
"messageList": "Message List",
"oldPass": "Old Password",
"newPass": "New Password",
"reNewPass": "Confirm New Password",
"goodNum": "Number of Positive Reviews",
"goodRate": "Positive Review Rate",
"normalNum": "Number of Neutral Reviews",
"normalRate": "Neutral Review Rate",
"badNum": "Number of Negative Reviews",
"badRate": "Negative Review Rate",
"add": "Add",
"delete": "Delete",
"delay": "Delay",
"wechatReply": "WeChat Reply",
"normalModel": "Normal Mode",
"dialogModel": "Popup Mode",
"messageNotice": "Message Notification",
"wechatNotice": "Message has been pushed to the customer service WeChat",
"paramIntro": "Parameter Introduction",
"wechatMiniDesc": "Instructions for configuring WeChat public account/app",
"allParamsDesc": "List of All Configuration Parameters",
"configParams": "Configuration Parameters",
"configValue": "Configuration Value",
"transferStaff": "Transfer to Another Staff Member",
"originAvatar": "Original Avatar",
"newAvatar": "New Avatar",
"sharingPhoto": "Share Image",
"phontDesc": "You can directly copy and paste the URL of the image from the web. Don't forget to save.",
"smsCode": "SMS Verification Code",
"bindTel": "Bind Phone",
"unbind": "Unbound",
"bind": "Bind",
"sendSms": "Send Verification Code",
"cateId": "Category ID",
"cateName": "Category Name",
"addReply": "Add Reply",
"keywords": "Keywords",
"replyContent": "Reply Content",
"edit": "Edit",
"manyKeys": "Multiple keywords, separated by English commas (,)",
"selectCate": "Select Category",
"top": "Top",
"officialUrl": "Enter the server address (URL) for the WeChat public account",
"wechatToken": "In the public account backend ==> Settings and Development ==> Basic Configuration ==> Server Configuration, the token value is a custom text, as long as it is consistent with the WeChat public account and the customer service system configuration",
"miniPushUrl": "Enter the message push address (URL) for the WeChat mini program",
"miniComment": "In the mini program backend ==> Development Management ==> Development Settings ==> Message Push",
"paramsDesc": 'visitor_id: Own Member<br/>\nvisitor_name: Own Member Name<br/>\navatar: Own Member Avatar<br/>\nlang: Multilingual cn Chinese, en English, tw Traditional Chinese<br/>',
"delogDeployDesc": "Copy the following code into the body block of the page's HTML",
"dialogParamsDesc": 'KEFU_URL: The URL address of the website, for example https://yourdomain<br/>\nKEFU_KEFU_ID: Customer service account username<br/>\nKEFU_ENT: Merchant ID for customer service<br/>\nKEFU_LANG: cn Chinese, en English<br/>\nKEFU_SHOW_TYPES: Display style, 0: Do not display, 1: Normal bottom right, 2: Circular icon<br/>\nKEFU_AUTO_OPEN: true Auto-expand, false Do not auto-expand',
"upload": "Upload",
"uploadTxt": "Only txt files can be uploaded, and not exceeding 500kb",
"sendEmoji": "Send Emoji",
"uploadImg": "Upload Image",
"uploadFile": "Upload File",
"sendVoice": "Send Voice Recording",
"transferKefu": "Transfer to Customer Service",
"cleanMessage": "Clear Chat History",
"closeSession": "End Session",
"banVisitor": "Ban User",
"banIp": "Ban IP",
"sendComment": "Send Comment",
"transEnglish": "Translate to English",
"newVisitor": "New Visitor",
"commentDesc": "Your positive feedback is the greatest encouragement for us 🌸 If you have any questions, please feel free to consult us again |•'-'•)و✧",
"sendCommentDesc": "This action will send a comment request to the visitor, continue?",
"serviceStatistic": "Service Statistics",
"score": "Score",
"invalidParam": "Invalid Parameter",
"updownLine": "Online and Offline Records",
"map": "Map",
"language": "Language",
"audio": "Audio",
"video": "Video",
"videoCall": "Video Call",
"audioCall": "Audio Call",
"videoAudio": "Please confirm that the microphone or camera is installed to continue the real-time call?",
"expand": "Expand",
"more": "More",
"cutpic": "Take Screenshot",
"BusinessLogin": "Sign in to UniqChat",
"Account": "Account",
"Email": "Email",
"MobileNumber": "Mobile Number",
"VerificationCode": "Verification Code",
"RememberPassword": "Remember Password",
"agreeTo": "I agree to",
"TermsOfService": "Terms of Service",
"WeChatLogin": "Login with WeChat",
"DonHaveAnAccount": "Don't have an account?",
"CreateOneNow": "Create one now",
"CreateYourAccount":"Lets begin the adventure",
"aUniqueName":"Username, a unique name that cannot be changed.",
"DisplayName":"Display Name, fill in carefully as it cannot be changed.",
"AlreadyHave":"Already have an account",
"SignInNow":"Sign in now",
"SignUp":"Sign up",
"ConfirmPassword":"Confirm Password",
{conf_name: "Wechat Official Account (AppId)", conf_key: "WechatAppId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Official Account (AppSecret)", conf_key: "WechatAppSecret", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat official account (Token, a custom string, consistent with the background setting of the official account)", conf_key: "WechatAppToken", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat sent to customer service, visitor came to remind template message ID <a href='/static/images/install/visitor_tpl.png' target='_blank'>View template message format</a>", conf_key: "WechatVisitorTemplateId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat sent to customer service, message consultation reminder template message ID <a href='/static/images/install/msg_tpl.png' target='_blank'>View template message format</a>", conf_key: " WechatMessageTemplateId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat sent to visitors, message reply reminder template ID <a href='/static/images/install/customer_tpl.png' target='_blank'>View template message format</a>", conf_key: "WechatKefuTemplateId ", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Marketing Member Template ID", conf_key: "WechatCustomerTemplateId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat customer service message interface (on on; off off; default off)", conf_key: "WechatKefu", conf_value: "on"},
{conf_name: "Wechat web page authorization bounce back domain name (eg: https://current domain name, http/https must be added)", conf_key: "WechatHost", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Authorization File (the official account needs to verify domain name authority)", conf_key: "WechatAuthFile", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Menu JSON <a href='/setting_wechat_menu'>Visual Editing</a>", conf_key: "WechatMenu", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Enterprise WeChat (CorpId)", conf_key: "WorkWechatCorpid", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Enterprise WeChat Application (AgentId)", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppAgentId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Enterprise WeChat Application (Secret)", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppSecret", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Enterprise WeChat app receives message Token", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppToken", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Enterprise WeChat app receives message EncodingAESKey", conf_key: "WorkWechatAppEncodingAESKey", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Mini Program AppId (WechatMiniAppId)", conf_key: "WechatMiniAppId", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Mini Program AppSecret (WechatMiniAppSecret)", conf_key: "WechatMiniAppSecret", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Wechat Mini Program Token (WechatMiniToken)", conf_key: "WechatMiniToken", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Landing domain name (the final domain name redirected after the visit, confirm that the domain name has been resolved and bound to the customer service platform)", conf_key: "VisitorLandHost", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Email(SMTP address, example:", conf_key: "NoticeEmailSmtp", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Email (mailbox name, example:", conf_key: "NoticeEmailAddress", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Email (authorization code, example: ubbabcdefocbfce)", conf_key: "NoticeEmailPassword", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Close the user prompt message", conf_key: "CloseVisitorMessage", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Visitor arrival strong alert (on on; off off)", conf_key: "VisitorForceAlert", conf_value: "off"},
{conf_name: "Visitor new message strong alert (on on; off off)", conf_key: "VisitorMessageAlert", conf_value: "off"},
{conf_name: "Customer service prompt sound", conf_key: "KefuAlertSound", conf_value: "/static/images/alert2.ogg"},
{conf_name: "visitor login alert sound", conf_key: "visitorLoginSound", conf_value: "/static/images/alert.mp3"},
{conf_name: "Enterprise Notice", conf_key: "VisitorNotice", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Enterprise Signature Introduction", conf_key: "KefuIntroduce", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Frequently asked keywords (separated by commas)", conf_key: "VisitorQaKeywords", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "AutoWelcome (on is played only once; off is played every time; default is played every time)", conf_key: "AutoWelcome", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Automatic popup delay time (milliseconds, such as 1000 is 1 second)", conf_key: "AutoOpenDialogTime", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Intelligent Robot Name", conf_key: "RobotName", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Only robot reception is turned on (true on, leave blank or false for manual access and machine assistance)", conf_key: "RobotSwitch", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Prompt when the robot cannot answer", conf_key: "RobotNoAnswer", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "TurnToMan", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Visitor Cookie validity period (in seconds, default is 100 years)", conf_key: "VisitorCookie", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "The maximum number of visitors the customer service can receive at the same time (the default is unlimited)", conf_key: "VisitorMaxNum", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Copy of the maximum number of visitors received by customer service", conf_key: "VisitorMaxNumNotice", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Visitors follow the official account login function (true to enable, leave blank or false to disable)", conf_key: "ScanWechatQrcode", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "Alert when all customer services are offline (leave blank to disable)", conf_key: "KefuOfflineNotice", conf_value: ""},
{conf_name: "chatGPT Secret", conf_key: "chatGPTSecret", conf_value: ""},